Prince Andrew School

Our History
Prince Andrew School is a unique school, the only secondary school on the island of St. Helena. Opened in 1989, PAS, as the school is known, replaced four previous schools that catered for the secondary education of children on the island. PAS is a truly comprehensive school, meeting the needs of every child on the island. The UK National Curriculum is followed with some variations that seek to more appropriately meet our skills, needs and goals. The school’s circumstances, challenges and opportunities make it an exciting place in which to work. We are proud of what we have achieved since 1989 and look forward to the coming years with optimism and enthusiasm as we seek to live out our mission statement: ‘To inspire and achieve’.
At PAS we are well aware of the importance of our role in the life of the island, especially for our students, staff and the community here. PAS is a place of teaching and learning that has to respond to the needs of the island as well as individual students so that all might be suitably skilled and qualified to operate effectively here on the island or abroad. This challenge is one we relish, one we believe we are responding to effectively as seen in the Education Ordinance of 2008, the growth of vocational qualifications and distance learning provision in recent years.
At the heart of our teaching and learning is our staff. We total approximately fifty five staff at present, with a mix of full-time and part-time teachers, local ‘Saints’ and international, longside our vital team of TAs and other support staff, including caretakers, technicians, office staff and cleaners. Together we form a team that seeks to support and encourage each other so as to deliver the best possible educational opportunities for our students.
Our Vision
At Prince Andrew School, we aspire to ensure that all our students achieve their full potential academically, personally and socially. We inspire our students to rise to the challenge of the modern world so they become responsible global citizens who have respect for themselves and for each other.
The values of Prince Andrew School can be summed up in the acronym ACE: Achievement, Commitment & Excellence and can be found in our Charter of Core Values. This acronym and the nine Core Values underpin everything we do at Prince Andrew School and stands for everything we strive to become.
Charter of Core Values
- - Enjoy your learning and be a lifelong learner
- - An intrinsic value of hard work
- - Step up & be an enterprising future leader
- - Be determined to achieve excellence in everything you do
- - Accept personal responsibility and always to the right thing
- - Be ambitious and make the most of your opportunities
- - Be caring, courteous and respectful to everyone
- - Be honest, have moral courage and integrity
- - Be involved in the traditions and support Prince Andrew School/and community