
On St Helena Island there is only one Secondary School which links with three feeder Primary schools.  

Requests for placements in any of these schools will require completion of the relevant admissions forms in the links below.

School Admission for St Helena Island Residents

Please complete the relevant Admissions Form below if your child is starting Nursery school, transferring to another primary school or moving into the next year group.

All schools collect admission data at the beginning of each school year to ensure learner profiles are updated with their most recent information.

Click here to request a place for primary education on St Helena Island (Nursery to Year 6)

Click here to request a place for secondary education on St Helena Island (Year 7 to Year 13)

School Admission for Non-Residents of St Helena Island

(Including Saint Helenians living abroad)

Click here to complete the Admissions Form if you are planning to visit or work on St. Helena and would like your child to attend one of our schools.