Dear Parent,

Welcome to the start of a brand new academic year – 2023/4.

Last academic year, 2022/23 ended well and we had another successful end of year Open Day and Awards ceremony   We are delighted to share with you that our end of year test results were exceptional and left us all feeling very ‘proud of our achievements’; Staff and pupils have worked diligently over the past year to attain these exceptional results and we also thank you as parents for contributing to this success over the course of the last year.  I would like to again commend the staff at our school who strive hard to make a difference and to push for high educational standards.  Results and outcomes are attributable to the provision of quality teaching and learning across the curriculum, vocational and extracurricular activities, special needs provision, emotional literacy and behavioural support, staff professional development and training etc.  All of these provide for the individual needs of pupils and are the necessary tools for a successful school.

The start of this school year saw six new nursery children joining us and a few more will join in January. We also welcome two children transitioning from St Pauls’ Primary school.  Welcome to all new parents.  Miss Sinead Green is our new Nursery Teacher (having given Mrs Edna Richards a really nice send off in August).     We also said goodbye at the end of last school year to Miss Charlee Paige Thomas – Auxiliary Worker, who has been successful for Teacher Training.  We wish her well and thank her sincerely for the work she has done at our school.

Miss Chelsea Lawrence our School Secretary will be absent from work for a period of some six weeks initially.  Mrs Inez Cranfield is also our Auxiliary Worker on a fixed term contract. 

Our staff list for this academic year is as follows:

 Deputy Headteacher                                             Mr Steve Plato (Year 5)

Early Years (Nursery)                                             Miss Sinead Green

Early Years (Reception)                                         Miss Sandra George      

Year 1/2                                                                    Miss Tara Caswell

Yr 3                                                                            Miss Chelsea Henry (Classroom Instructor)

Yr 4                                                                            Miss Cherilee Cranfield

Yr 6                                                                            Mrs Mavis Brooks (Senior Teacher)

Teacher                                                                    Mrs Brenda Corker

Classroom Instructor                                             Mrs Winnie Thomas

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Claris George, Mrs Tina Brady, Miss Roxanna, Williams, Mrs Julie Anthony, Miss Heidi Joshua, Miss Asita Obey, Miss Shalana Clingham, Miss Shellie Crowie,

School Secretary – Miss Chelsea Lawrence

School Auxiliary Worker      (Fixed Term) –   Mrs Inez Cranfield 

Groundsman –   Mr Robert Mittens

This is going to be another busy term where we look forward to and busily prepare for the upcoming Christmas activities that are in addition to the normal academic requirements.   Time doesn’t wait on anybody so it is important that we get started and plan well in advance.

Events coming up for this term are therefore as follows:

Term 1A



Week 3:      Wed 20th  September 2023 – 5.30pm

Back to School evening – Parents will meet new class teacher and discuss expectations for the new year group.  Mr Steve McCabe, Maths Advisory Teacher will also introduce our new Maths Scheme, ‘Power Maths’.  All are welcome

Week 4 :      Wed 27 September – 5.30 pm

PTA AGM –Election of new PTA Committee. 

Mr Gareth Drabble will also do a presentation on Cyber Security – very important now that very soon there will be unlimited internet access.  All are welcome.

Week 5:      Thurs 5th October

Teacher Appreciation Day – School activity

Week 7:      Friday  20th October

Harvest Assembly – 11am – All are welcome


Term 1B


Week 2 : Friday 10th

Remembrance Theme day – School activity

Week 2 : Week beginning 13 November

Anti-bullying week – School assembly

Week 3: Friday 17th November

King’s Birthday  (Public Holiday)

Week 6 : Tuesday  5th December

Rehearsal – St James Church – 10am

Week 6 : Wed 6th December

Advent Service – St James Church – 12.15 – All are welcome

Week 7 : Tuesday 12th December

Caroling outside Canister – 12 noon –All welcome

Week 7 – Thurs. 14th December

Party Day – School activity

Week 7 : Friday 15th December

Christmas Bonanza – School Yard – 6pm – All welcome

Wed 20th December

Festival of Lights – 7.30pm  – All welcome to join in.

Additional details will be given nearer the time for each of these events.

School Handbook Information

All information in our School Handbook currently remains.  All parents have been previously issued with a Handbook, however, if you have misplaced your copy and would like another copy, please contact the school. Attached to this newsletter is a page that includes any amendments or updates to the previous Handbook for your attention.  All new parents will receive a copy of the Handbook.  Just a reminder, however, of the following school expectations that we have noticed needs to be drawn to attention

  • All admission forms/details must be updated if a child moves residence or if there is a change of contact arrangement (The school must be notified)

Education, Employment and Skills website

The Education, Employment and Skills website has been launched now. Parents of primary school children only (at this stage) can now complete school admission forms on line at the following link Eventually school newsletters, curriculum letters and other school information may also be accessed on the site.  Watch this space!

Pre School /Reception Boosters

New stocks of pre-school booster injections have arrived so the School Nurses are now able to administer to the Reception children on the 4th October. 

Permission slips will be delivered by the end of this week. Please can these be kindly returned by the 22nd September or as soon as possible. 

New term times

The new term times for this academic year have been already sent to you.  Do have a good look as there has been a slight change in term times this year which will be trialled.  There will only be one week holiday at the end of term 2b (Monday 29 April to Friday 3 May) rather than the usual 2 weeks.  Term 3b as a result will be a much shorter half term.  

PTA Committee

A huge thank you to all those parents who served on our last Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Committee last year and who did a brilliant job in promoting our school. We will be looking for members to serve on our new Committee this year and indeed we would welcome some dads ☺ we normally meet regularly for about an hour to hour and a half every half term (every seven weeks) to discuss school business and fundraising initiatives. If you would like to serve on the Committee, do let us know soon.  It will make the process of electing members at our Annual General meeting on the 27th September at 5.30pm much easier and quicker.  We do have lots of fun together J

Thank you for your on-going support and we look forward to working together to enjoy another successful year ahead.

Yours Sincerely,

Elaine Benjamin – Head Teacher
